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Submental Liposuction – Neck Lift – Dallas

Submental Liposuction

As we age, stubborn fatty deposits tend to develop in areas that won’t respond to dieting and exercise. When these fatty deposits develop on prominent areas like the face and neck, it can dramatically change your appearance and make you appear much older than you are. Submental liposuction, or neck liposuction, can sculpt away excess fatty deposits, giving you a younger, tighter appearance.

Submental liposuction involves the suctioning of fat through a thin, hollow tube called a cannula. The cannula is connected to a suction device, which removes the fat. The procedure involves tiny incisions in the neck area. The suction site is injected with saline and local anesthesia in a process called tumescent liposuction. This ensures that the patient is comfortable and aids in the final recovery process.

Consult with an experienced plastic surgeon like Dr. Sandy Sule to determine if submental liposuction is the right option for you.

Contact us at our office in Dallas for more information or to schedule a consultation.

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