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Brow Lift – Forehead Lift Procedure – Dallas

Brow Lift

Heavy, tired-looking eyebrows can have a major impact on your appearance. You may look sleepy and aged despite how alert and youthful you may feel. For many, the signs of aging on the forehead are problematic and undermine their self-confidence. If you are concerned about the signs of aging on your forehead, a brow lift might be right for you.

A brow lift is a treatment that focuses on reducing the signs of aging that have affected the forehead and eyebrows. Typically with aging, the forehead develops deep creases and the eyebrows tend to sag forward. The procedure is a surgery that involves making an incision along the hairline so the forehead can be pulled taut, raising the eyebrows as well. The result is a more youthful and alert appearance.

Consult with an experienced plastic surgeon like Dr. Sandy Sule, whose expertise is in facial plastic surgery.

Contact us at our office in Dallas to schedule a personal consultation.

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