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Blepharoplasty – Eyelid Rejuvenation – Dallas


Are you dissatisfied with the tired look of your eyes? For many people, aging has made its biggest impact on their eyelids, caused by the appearance of sagging, wrinkling and bagginess. However, with a cosmetic procedure called the blepharoplasty, the tired appearance can be remedied.

A blepharoplasty is a cosmetic surgery that rejuvenates and refreshes your appearance by treating aging issues of the eyelids. Typically, the issues that affect the eyelids are wrinkling and sagging that cause the upper eyelids to droop and fatty deposits that cause the lower eyelids to appear baggy. The surgical procedure can tighten and lift the eyelids, returning them to a more youthful, alert position.

Consult with an experienced plastic surgeon like Dr. Sandy Sule to learn more about the results you can achieve with a blepharoplasty.

Contact us at our office in Dallas to schedule a consultation today.

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