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Restylane Injections — Dallas Hyaluronic-Acid Filler

As we move past our prime years of growth and development and into adulthood, our body and skin starts to transition into a slow degeneration process that we all recognize as aging. This can manifest itself on our face with the loss of skin elasticity, causing lines and wrinkles to appear. To combat this, Dr. Sandy Sule offers Restylane injections that are effective in softening the appearance of lines.

Restylane injections smooth out the skin by removing wrinkles. The most common wrinkles treated are around the eyes, nose and mouth.

Restylane injections excel as a hyaluronic acid dermal filler in part due to their ability to hold water over time, increasing skin volume. Because of this property, it was the first FDA-cleared product for lip enhancements. Once injected, the benefits can last up to a year.

To find out more about Restylane injections, contact our Dallas office to set up a consultation.

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