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Forehead Lift Surgery


If you’re looking to rejuvenate your appearance and achieve a more youthful look, a brow lift or forehead lift may be the perfect solution for you. At Dr. Sule’s cosmetic surgery practice in Dallas, we offer both procedures to help you achieve your desired look.

A brow lift, also known as a forehead lift, is a cosmetic procedure that reduces wrinkles, improves frown lines, and places the eyebrows in a more youthful position. This procedure can lift everything from the hairline to the eyebrows, tightening and smoothing the entire forehead while lifting the eyebrow area

At Dr. Sule’s practice, we offer both endoscopic brow lifts and coronal brow lifts. Endoscopic brow lifts involve making several small incisions behind the hairline, while coronal brow lifts involve making an incision behind the hairline across the top of the head, from ear to ear or primarily on the scalp. Both procedures aim to elevate the eyebrow and reduce visible creases and furrows in the forehead

Our experienced team of cosmetic surgeons will work with you to determine the best approach for your unique needs and desired outcome. We use the latest techniques and technology to ensure that your procedure is safe, effective, and produces the results you want.

If you’re interested in learning more about brow lifts or forehead lifts, contact us today to schedule a consultation with Dr. Sule. We look forward to helping you achieve your cosmetic goals!


The effects of aging are inevitable, and, often, the brow and forehead area show the first signs. The skin begins to lose its elasticity. Sun, wind, and the pull of gravity all affect the face, resulting in frown lines, wrinkling across the forehead, and an increasing heaviness of the eyebrows. Even people in their thirties may have faces that look older than their years. Your tired, angry, or sad expression may not reflect how you actually feel. As a result, many people have opted for a procedure known as the forehead lift. Based on variations in how men and women age and on new advances in medical technology, different methods are used to perform this procedure.

If you are wondering how a forehead lift could improve your appearance, you need to know how these procedures are performed and what you can expect. This pamphlet can address many of your concerns and provide you the information you need to begin considering forehead surgery.


Is A Forehead Lift For You?


As with all elective surgery, good health and realistic expectations are prerequisites. When Dr. Sule tightens loose skin and removes the excess, forehead wrinkling and drooping brows are modified. The procedure is called a forehead lift or brow lift. If necessary, the surgeon removes part of the muscle that causes vertical frown lines between the brows. The result can be a smoother brow and a more youthful expression. To see what a forehead lift can do for your face, put your hands above your brows and outside the edges of your eyes and gently raise the skin upwards. Forehead lifts are an option if you have a sagging brow or deep furrows between the eyes. This procedure is usually done between age forty and sixty-five, although it may be necessary at an earlier age.

Incisions can be placed at the hairline, behind the hairline, or in some cases, above the brow or in the mid-forehead. Dr. Sule can help you select the best technique suited to your particular situation.


Understanding The Surgery


The main difference among the various options for forehead lifting consists of the placement of the incision.


The original technique is the coronal incision, which is made slightly behind the natural hairline. An alternative is the pre-trichial incision. This is similar to the coronal incision except that the mid-portion of the incision is made directly at the hairline. This incision generally heals favorably and has the advantage of lowering the hairline. Another option is to place the incision within the midforehead creases. This is primarily used in men with deep pre-existing forehead lines.


The newest apporach is endoscopic surgery. Several small one-half-inch to one-inch incisions are placed just behind the hairline. Although this technique may require more surgery time, it is less invasive and results in a smaller chance of temporary scalp numbness.


This procedure takes between one to two hours to perform. It is most commonly performed under IV sedation or twilight anesthesia.


What To Expect After The Surgery


You will experience a certain amount of swelling and bruising in the 10-day period following surgery. In some patients, this condition may include the cheek and eye area as well as the forehead. Dr. Sule will advise you to keep your head elevated in order to reduce swelling. Cold compresses may further reduce swelling. As the incisions heal, you may experience some numbness as well as itching, both of which will diminish with time. The sutures are usually removed within seven to 10 days following surgery. Not infrequently, a brow lift is combined with Blepharoplasty (an eyelid tuck) or face lift to provide a harmonious rejuvenation.


Your Next Step


If you have any questions about Forehead Lift surgery, please call our office at (972) 960-2950 to arrange an appointment with Dr. Sule.

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