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Who Is a Good Candidate for a Face Lift?

Most people consider the face as the most critical part of their identity. However, your skin’s youthful and vibrant appearance is something that quickly fades away over time due to the natural aging process. At Sule Facial Plastic Surgery Clinic in Dallas, TX, we know that a face lift is an exceptional, transformative procedure, and it can help restore your youthfulness and boost your confidence.

A face lift, also called a rhytidectomy, is a cosmetic surgical procedure that focuses on lifting and tightening the facial skin, reducing aging, and creating a younger appearance. It aims to address wrinkles, hanging skin, skin folds, lines, and other changes that occur with age. However, you need to be a good candidate to get the best results.

Who Is a Good Candidate for a Face Lift?

There is a common misconception that rhytidectomy surgery is only for older people with severe signs of aging. In reality, patients in their 30’s and 40’s may benefit from this treatment to get ahead of the aging process and slow development of wrinkles and facial lines. Here are the four most common signs and symptoms that may mean you’re a good candidate:

1. Deep Lines and Folds

In most cases, wrinkles and fine lines occur relatively early in life, but when you start to notice deep static lines and folds, then it may be appropriate to consider this cosmetic procedure. By correcting nasolabial folds and marionette lines, patients can appear dramatically younger.

2. Loss of Facial Volume

Muscle and fat loss occurs naturally with age, in addition to wrinkles and lines. Drooling jows, sunken under eyes, and hollow cheeks are common manifestations of muscle tone and lost facial volume. The procedure involves advanced fat grafting to transfer the patient’s fat to the face and restore a fuller younger contour. Also, our doctor can tighten and reposition underlying muscles to regain tone in jowls and jawline.

3. Sagging Skin

Whether you have hanging jowls, neck banding, or droopy upper eyelids, face lift surgery can help to reduce saggy skin and produce a lifted, firmer, more youthful look. The procedure is great for tightening and firming up your skin for a better appearance.

4. Excess Neck Fat and Skin

The development of wrinkles, loose skin, and excess neck fat are some of the most uncomfortable signs of aging. Also, patients with healthy weight may struggle with a “turkey neck,” making them look older and heavier than they are. Advanced face lift techniques can effectively trim and lift the neck for a more appealing contour.

Patient Eligibility Criteria

This surgical procedure needs general anesthesia and invasive techniques, so a candidate must be fully qualified before the treatment is scheduled. Others may need specific lab tests and exams to determine their eligibility. Below are some of the qualifications we look at to evaluate if you’re a good candidate for this surgery:

Good Physical Health

Unlike emergency surgeries to address serious medical issues, this surgery is considered an elective type of surgery, meaning you choose to have it. It would be best if you don’t have any medical concerns like cardiovascular issues or high blood pressure. For best results, safety and well-being, you need to be in good general health in elective surgery.

Being in good health means you’ll have fewer side effects when general anesthesia is used during the procedure. If you’ve got any underlying medical condition that may make the surgery risky or one which could interfere with the healing and your results, then you’re not the perfect candidate. Having an underlying condition addressed might give you a chance to be a good candidate in the future, depending on your medical history.

Overall Skin Condition

The condition of your skin matters as it has to be at a point where there’s still some natural flexibility and elasticity remaining in the structure of your skin. The skin’s suppleness may be tested by pinching the skin and seeing how long it takes to be smooth. If the skin remains somehow pinched, you may not have the perfect skin condition for this treatment.

Some lifestyle factors over the years may damage your skin’s ability to do this, thus affecting the recovery process after the surgery. Elastic and supple skin is essential during the procedure since the surgeon will tighten the skin to eliminate any wrinkles. Therefore, perfect results come from the skin that’s able to adapt to its new, improved contours.

Underlying Facial Bone Structure

The most significant part of a person’s facial aesthetic is their underlying bone structure. If your underlying bone structure is aesthetically-balanced, then the results of your surgery will be optimal. Supposing your underlying bone structure isn’t ideal for this treatment, other cosmetic procedures may correct your asymmetry before getting a face lift.

It’s sometimes overlooked, but it’s true to say that those with a naturally balanced bone structure are the ideal candidates. If you’re happy with your bone structure, then the surgery results will be more likely to meet your expectations.

Committed to a Good Skincare Routine

A good candidate should be willing to commit to a lifetime of a proper skincare routine to enjoy long-lasting results. If you may not be bothered with using sunscreen each day, then having a facelift may not be an excellent idea for you. Taking good care of your skin after the surgery means your results will last even longer.

Skin tightening surgery doesn’t necessarily stop the aging process. After the surgery, you can keep your results looking great for years if only you take care of your skin. Some of the practices you can adopt are protecting yourself against harmful UV rays and wearing sunscreen when spending time outdoors. After your surgery, our office can also help you develop a good skincare routine that addresses your needs, health, and lifestyle.


Smoking interferes with the body’s healing process, meaning it may not only take longer to heal after the surgery but may also impact the results of the procedure. An ideal candidate shouldn’t be a smoker or must be willing to stop smoking at least eight weeks before and two months after the surgery. Quitting smoking is even better for long-term results.

The body carries oxygen and other essential nutrients to the incision sites after surgery; it also carries waste and other byproducts. Smoking significantly impairs this circulation, causing significant delays and problems with healing. Plus, you’re at a higher risk of infection after surgery because smoking makes it harder for your body to fight germs.

Realistic Expectations

You have to be logical about your expectations of the treatment results. Good candidates for the procedure understand that it’s not a change in your facial structure of characteristics. As much as the purpose of the surgery is to make you look younger, the result is still supposed to look like you.

Understanding what the treatment can and cannot do is vital to being happy with the results. Also, you need to realize that the treatment is not a perfect cure for aging. As much as the surgery will help reset the clock when it comes to aging, your face will continue to age, meaning that you’ll need touch-up treatments and a proper skincare routine to maintain your results.

What Happens During?
The surgery is usually conducted under general anesthesia and requires small incisions behind the ears and along the hairline (this hides the scars better). Dr. Sule will access your facial muscles from these incisions, pulling them tight to correct any facial sagging. Plus, excess tissue will be trimmed and removed to show your new results.

Talking of results, a patient should expect minor bruising and swelling for the first few weeks after the surgery. You’ll see the first results after about two to four weeks, but the final results will be visible after six months. The procedure’s results can last a decade or longer with proper skincare.

Look and Feel Your Best
Every patient deserves to feel confident, beautiful, and comfortable in their skin. If you’re embarrassed or frustrated by wrinkles, facial lines, and other signs of aging, you may want to consider a face lift. Most people in good health, have a good overall skin condition, and have realistic expectations are ideal candidates for this procedure. If you’ve been contemplating turning back the clock, be sure to call Sule Facial Plastic Surgery Clinic in Dallas, TX to make a consutation appointment today.

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