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What To Know About Rhinoplasty


Each day, thousands of people look for a treatment that can alter the appearance of a particular facial feature. Some people are unhappy with the look of their noses, and others are unsatisfied with how age has changed it. For many other people, their noses may have been disfigured by an accident or injury. Some people opt for a nose job so they can breathe better. Whatever the reason for wanting to change the size and shape of your nose, there is a treatment available. If you have wondered about nose surgery, you are not alone. Rhinoplasty can improve your self-confidence, appearance, and even your health. At Sule Plastic Surgery, we can help you achieve this. For more information on rhinoplasty in the DFW Metroplex, contact us online or call us to schedule an appointment. 

Should You Schedule Rhinoplasty in the DFW Metroplex?

There is no doubt that the size and shape of your nose have an impact on the appearance of your face. Because it is the most defining characteristic of your face, a slight alteration to the nose can help you achieve your aesthetic goals. 

Whether you desire rhinoplasty surgery for cosmetic reasons or medical reasons, we have you covered. After having the structure of your nose examined internally and externally, we will be able to evaluate whether you are an ideal candidate for a nose job. 

What Can Rhinoplasty Do for You?

Rhinoplasty is a cosmetic surgery procedure to correct the shape and size of the nose. Its purpose can be solely cosmetic, or it can be used as a method of reconstruction to correct a problem. It provides a variety of benefits for people that want to change the shape or size of their nose. 

Improve Breathing 

One of the benefits of Rhinoplasty surgery is that it can be used to improve your breathing. This is achieved by correcting the structure of the nose. One of the most common problems is a deviated septum. The septum is a wall between your left and right nasal passages. If this wall does not keep the correct structure, one nasal passage is smaller than the other, and this causes a blockage. This may also in some cases cause frequent sinus infections or even nosebleeds. 

Fix a Broken Nose 

Accidental falls in sports and other injuries cause broken noses. While it is often not regarded as serious, broken noses can affect your breathing and the appearance of your face. Reconstructive rhinoplasty surgery can be a solution to a broken nose. Is this something that concerns you? Schedule your initial consultation for rhinoplasty in the DFW Metroplex.

Help with Sinus Problems 

Chronic sinus or inflammation can also be treated with rhinoplasty surgery. When your sinuses are filled with fluid and get blocked, they attract bacteria and, as a result, may become infected. If sinusitis keeps coming back after it has been treated, the structure of your nose or sinuses should be checked. 

Correct Birth Defects 

Some birth defects may cause your nose to be malformed. This is a concern for many. Removing these defects by using rhinoplasty surgery can change the appearance of your nose, and increase the ability to breathe, making this procedure versatile. 

Reduce Snoring 

Snoring, although sounding like a minor issue, can impact your life. Snoring is a serious problem. The cause for snoring can stem from structural problems in the nasal area, such as a deviated septum, which is when the wall between your nasal passages is off-center. An issue such as snoring can be reduced and even corrected with rhinoplasty surgery. 

Feel More Confident 

We all want to look good and feel comfortable. The most important thing is that YOU feel good about your body and face. If your nose makes you feel less confident or makes you look older, you can schedule rhinoplasty in the DFW Metroplex. 

Confidence can be driven either up or down by how we view our appearance. If we look good, we will feel good too. Being confident is a great feeling. If you have a concern that can be treated with rhinoplasty surgery, you may not only gain the look you desire but confidence too. 

The Results of Rhinoplasty Surgery 

There is much to gain from a nose job. The results of rhinoplasty surgery are long-lasting. You will see visible change gradually as the appearance of your nose continues to improve until it is permanent. This may take up to a year for your new nasal contours to be fully defined. 

Recovery Time 

It is always good to keep in mind that the recovery period after a nose job will influence the results of your procedure. Healing takes time, and while results may only be visible after some time, these results will continue to improve. In this recovery time, it is recommended that you get more rest than usual. You may have to wait four to six weeks to resume strenuous daily activities.  

Rhinoplasty Surgery in the DFW Metroplex 

Choosing rhinoplasty surgery to treat your nasal concerns may be one of the best decisions. While a nose job may alter the appearance of your nose, and give you a boost in confidence, it may also offer you the opportunity to improve your overall health and well-being. At Sule Plastic Surgery, we really care and want to help the many people in Dallas and Fort Worth, TX, who are unhappy with their noses. Contact us today and schedule your first appointment with us. It’s the first step towards correcting your nasal concern.

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