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What Should You Expect From Lip Augmentation?

People seek lip augmentation treatments for several reasons. For example, some people may want to increase the volume of their lips when their lips thin due to the natural aging process. Other people may want to enhance their vermilion border to prevent lipstick bleeds or to increase the volume to erase lipstick lines. No matter your reason, at Sule Facial Plastic Surgery Clinic in Dallas, TX we know that this simple treatment can help you achieve your plush pout goals.

What Should You Expect From Lip Augmentation?

Lip augmentation treatments resemble other dermal filler treatments. You should expect your treatment to take about 20 minutes to complete. The treatment consists of several small injections made into the various areas of the lips to enhance volume and contour lip shape. These treatments are generally comfortable because the fillers are formulated with lidocaine and lidocaine may also be used to prepare your lips for treatment.

Before your treatment, you will need to attend a comprehensive consultation with Dr. Sule. During your consultation, you will discuss your aesthetic concerns, previous treatments you have tried, drug allergies, and other relevant medical information. Dr. Sule will determine whether or not this treatment is appropriate for you based on your skin type and whether or not you’re currently pregnant or breastfeeding.


You will not need to make significant preparations for your treatment. Usually, the biggest rule to follow is to temporarily discontinue blood-thinning medications and supplements, including vitamin E, aspirin, and Ginkgo. You may need to stop exfoliating the lips or using any potentially irritating products around the mouth for at least a week before your treatment. You will have to reschedule your appointment if you have a fever blister or cold sore.


The biggest considerations you will have to make for your treatment will be after your appointment. Many of your aftercare steps are designed to help your results develop as intended, so it’s important to follow these instructions closely. For example, you should avoid strenuous exercise for at least 48 hours to keep your blood pressure low: however, walking and other light activities are still permissible.

You should also avoid high temperatures, such as direct sunlight, saunas, hot tubs, hot showers, and any other hot water that may come into contact with the face for at least 48 hours. You should also be sure to avoid using lip cosmetics for at least 24 hours. The only thing you should put on your lips is basic Vaseline to keep your lips moist.

Other Important Tips

Of course, in addition to these basic aftercare steps, you will also have other important tips to follow. For example, instead of Vaseline, some people like to use aloe vera on the lips to keep the lips moist and to also soothe any injection areas. If you have sensitive skin, it may be a good idea to use Arnica Montana for at least three to five days to assist in healing. Other important tips may include:


It’s important to sleep with your head elevated, as this will help your lip filler settle and will also encourage more rapid healing. Sleeping on your back with two pillows beneath your head is typically the best method for sleeping elevated. Some people may find it easier to sleep elevated with special pillows or with towels beneath pillows to provide a better angle for the neck during slumber.


About an hour after your treatment, it can be a good idea to apply ice to the lips to reduce swelling that may be present. Applying ice with an ice cube or an ice pack will assist in healing. Be sure to keep the pressure gentle on your lips so you don’t disturb the settling of the filler. Also, be sure that ice is covered by a soft cloth so that ice doesn’t stick to the lips.


Finally, for the first one or two days, you may need to adopt different eating habits. You will want to avoid excessive chewing that may cause you to stretch your mouth too much, so soft food or a liquid diet during the first 24 to 48 hours can be beneficial. Foods like ice cream, yogurt, smoothies, oatmeal, warm soup, and boiled eggs can be good options.

You should also do your best to avoid spicy food, since this may cause skin irritation and may make your lips uncomfortable. After the first 48 hours, you should be able to resume your normal diet and eating habits.

How Quickly Will You See Results?

Most people see the results of this treatment within only a few days. Your initial results may even be visible on the same day as your treatment. Your results will usually appear as more voluminous lips. It may take several days for the filler to settle into your lips and to produce optimal results. Most people will see the final results of their treatment within seven to 10 days after the appointment.

How Long Will Results Last?

While the longevity of your results may depend on the specific filler you’re using for your treatment, you can generally expect lip augmentation results to last for six to eight months. If you have used a dermal filler in the past on another area of the face, six months may seem like a short timeframe for contouring your lips.

However, the lips are a highly mobile area of the face and that means that the cellular metabolism in the lips is faster than other areas of the face, so results are more likely to break down more quickly. If you are a very athletic person or you frequently perform strenuous exercise, you may have results that last closer to five months than six because your metabolism is much higher.

Other Frequently Asked Questions

1. How Does Lip Augmentation Work?

There are a few different ways you can augment your lips. One way is with a fat transfer and another way is with a surgical procedure. However, using a dermal filler for lip augmentation is generally the easiest, most effective, and most natural-looking treatment option. This treatment is performed with a series of injections targeted zones of the lips to enhance what volume in the precise way you desire. Your treatment will be customized to your exact aesthetic goals.

2. What Are Fillers Made Of?

Dermal fillers for the lips can be made of many different substances, including PMMA beads and hyaluronic acid. Hyaluronic acid-based fillers are the most commonly used and also the products that have fewer risks fewest risks of allergic reaction. Hyaluronic acid fillers work by drawing water to the skin to naturally increase the volume of the skin.

3. Which Filler Is the Best?

Determining which filler is best for your augmentation treatment all depends on your specific aesthetic goals and your preferences. Some people opt to use fillers that produce longer-lasting results, while others prefer to use fillers that produce more subtle results. We will help you select the best filler to achieve your goals.

4. Is There a Best Time for This Treatment?

Although you can have this treatment during any part of the year, it’s best to time your treatment at least two to three weeks before any important life events. By having this treatment before important events, you will allow adequate time for the filler to settle and for optimal results to develop.

5. How Can You Maintain Your Results?

You can maintain your desired results by having regular appointments to touch up your filler. Because the fillers only last for six to eight months, your maintenance appointments will generally be twice a year. Of course, if you notice your results are lasting longer than six months, your maintenance appointments will be more spaced apart.

6. Are You a Good Candidate?

Most people who want to enhance the volume of their lips or achieve the specific with parents are good candidates for lip augmentation with lip fillers. Good candidates include women who are not pregnant, people who do not have any drug allergies to filler formulas, and people who do not have active lip infections like a cold sore or fever blister.

Get the Plush Pout of Your Dreams

Some people want to correct asymmetry in the lips, while others may want to get a Hollywood pout like a movie star. Regardless of your renovation, lip fillers can increase lip volume, erase fine lines on the lip, and contour the lips into a more desirable shape. If you feel that this treatment is ideal for your needs, please contact Sule Facial Plastic Surgery Clinic in Dallas, TX today to schedule your consultation.

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