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What Issues Can Juvederm Help Treat?

Are you seeking a way to enhance your lips without surgery? Do you want to see improved contour and definition in your chin, cheeks, and other areas? If so, Juvederm might be the treatment you’ve been seeking! This popular dermal filler is created with a natural, body-friendly substance and can deliver soft, natural results that last six months or more. At Sule Facial Plastic Surgery Clinic in Dallas, TX, we’re proud to offer this rejuvenating treatment.

What Is Juvederm?

Juvederm is a dermal filler that can be injected into various areas of the face to treat wrinkles and folds, mild skin laxity, scarring, loss of definition and contour, and more. The filler consists of a gel made of hyaluronic acid, a natural substance produced by the body to hydrate and plump the skin. The gel also includes a small amount of lidocaine to ensure your comfort during treatment. This filler is considered safe and effective for most patients thanks to its natural origins. Over time, the gel dissolves and absorbs safely into the body.

Treatment time takes just 5-30 minutes, depending on the areas of concern treated. Most patients report that the injections are completely painless. There is zero downtime associated with this treatment, giving you the freedom to return to your normal daily activities right after your appointment. Results are instantly visible and long-lasting, and personalized treatment plans can help patients achieve and maintain their ideal image.

What Are the Benefits?

This treatment offers many benefits. Unlike surgical procedures designed to address common skin concerns, treatment can be directly injected into the skin in a matter of minutes. There is no downtime after the appointment, and the gel used is able to effectively treat all skin types, tones, and sensitivities with great success. Patients of every age can see significant improvement after treatment and, while results are not permanent, this filler is one of the longest-lasting and most versatile fillers available today.

Which Issues Can It Help Treat?

Juvederm is effective at addressing multiple skin concerns while simultaneously nourishing the skin and promoting overall skin health. In addition, this filler can define and enhance features such as the lips, chin, cheeks, and jawline, giving your face a more youthful appearance.

Wrinkles and Lines

This filler can be injected to minimize the appearance of fine lines and wrinkles, which can occur on the forehead, around the mouth and nose, between the eyebrows, and on the jawline and neck. The filler instantly plumps the skin and stretches out mild to moderate wrinkles, making them virtually invisible.

Acne Scars

Even when you manage your acne breakouts, you can experience noticeable scarring on your face. This can cause low self-esteem in your appearance due to the uneven texture of your skin. This dermal filler can smooth away acne scars by lifting them to the level of the rest of your skin. It is able to successfully treat even the most obvious acne scars, such as icepick and boxcar scars, and promote healing and skin rejuvenation with every treatment.

Mild Skin Laxity

Loose skin can create lines, folds, and wrinkles, making you look older than you actually are. This filler can treat mild skin laxity by creating a volumizing lift and tightening the skin, preventing the development of new wrinkles over time.

Loss of Volume

Some areas of the face are prone to losing volume as we age. The cheeks, eye area, and midface can all appear hollow. This product can be strategically injected into these areas to restore volume, create a plumper, fuller appearance, and fill in hollows for an overall younger appearance.


Some areas of the face become less defined over time. A dermal filler injection can help redefine the lines of your face and give you a sharper, more attractive appearance.


The lips can be successfully enhanced with this treatment. Unlike other dermal fillers, Juvederm creates a soft, skin-like texture that is almost indiscernible from your natural lips. It can also build impressive volume while still maintaining a symmetrical, natural appearance.

How Long Do Results Last?

The duration of your results can depend on the areas treated, your skin type, and your care in following our instructions for prolonging your results. However, most patients see results that last at least six months after injection. Some patients even see results lasting over 12 months. Eventually, the product absorbs safely into the body, at which point most patients return for a follow-up treatment to maintain their ideal image. With regular treatment, our patients see significant improvement in their concerns and are able to minimize the development of new age-related side effects.

Am I an Ideal Candidate?

You may be an ideal candidate if you are an adult man or woman who wishes to see common skin concerns improve without surgery. This treatment is ideal for those with mild to moderate fine lines or wrinkles. It is also appropriate for patients with acne scarring. It can treat mild skin laxity in some areas of the face and is also able to volumize, contour, and enhance various facial features. Thanks to its formula, this treatment is considered safe for almost every patient.

This treatment may not be ideal for those with severe lines or wrinkles, moderate to severe skin laxity, active skin infections or irritations, or some bleeding disorders. In addition, this treatment is not able to effectively address dynamic wrinkles, which are caused by facial muscle movement. These can be minimized with a neuromodulator like Botox or Dysport. If you have any questions about your candidacy for this treatment, one of our doctors would be happy to evaluate your concerns during an initial consultation.

What Should I Expect?

If you’re ready to say goodbye to lines, wrinkles, scarring, and other skin concerns, you may be considering this treatment. Our team is ready to walk with you through the treatment process and answer any questions you have along the way. While every patient hs a different experience and may see different results, here is a general idea of what you can expect when you choose our professional office:


Before your first injections, you’ll sit down with one of our doctors for an initial consultation. This appointment allows us to examine your skin and areas of concern, review your medical history, and discuss your desired results. In addition, your doctor will recommend a personalized treatment plan that’s right for you based on your unique situation and goals. Once you are approved for treatment, you can begin looking forward to your first appointment!


Your doctor may give you specific instructions based on your skin type, medical history, and other factors. However, in general, you should plan to avoid anti-inflammatory medications for approximately one week before your appointment as these medications can increase your risk of bleeding and bruising. We also recommend that you stop drinking alcoholic beverages at least 24 hours before treatment to avoid these risks. Finally, keep your skin healthy by avoiding harmful sun exposure as well as any new skincare products or treatments that may cause irritation before your scheduled injections.


On the day of your appointment, we recommend that you avoid wearing makeup in the target areas. Your doctor will clean your skin and may apply a topical numbing agent to keep you comfortable during injections. Then, your doctor will use a small, thin needle to inject the gel directly into the skin in the predetermined areas. This will create an instant volumizing effect, which your doctor can continue to enhance during treatment. Your doctor will gently massage the gel into the skin to create an even, natural distribution and a seamless result.

A normal appointment can take between 5-30 minutes, depending on the areas you choose to have treated. For an appointment to enhance the lips only, most patients are in the chair for less than 10 minutes. For a more extensive treatment in other areas of the face, you can expect to wait only 20-30 minutes to see your final results. You should notice that your skin is smoother and brighter, thanks to the injections. Your areas of concern should already be improved, and you can immediately return to your regular schedule and activities with zero downtime.


For the first 24 hours, you should avoid exercise, direct sun exposure, and alcoholic beverages to aid in the healing process. Avoid touching, rubbing, or pressing the treated areas for the first several days. Your doctor may instruct you to apply an ice pack wrapped in a cloth to the treated areas to help reduce swelling. Most patients can wear makeup again 2-4 days after treatment, but check with your doctor to ensure that you can apply makeup and other skincare products safely.

As your recovery continues, it’s essential to continue protecting your skin and prolong your results by following good skincare habits, such as sun protection. Harmful sun exposure is estimated to be responsible for over 90% of all common skin concerns, including wrinkles, lines, dark spots, and skin cancer. In addition, it can shorten the lifespan of your dermal filler. Always wear sunscreen when you’re outside, and make sure to limit your time in direct sunlight as much as possible.


Your final results will develop within the first week after treatment. After your skin is healed, you should notice that you have a distinctly younger, more lifted appearance in the treated areas. Your cheeks should be fuller and rounder, the area around your eyes should be volumized, lines and wrinkles around your mouth, forehead, and other areas should be minimized, and your jawline, lips, and chin should be more defined and enhanced. Even better, you should look and feel more like yourself as you enjoy your results.

You can expect to enjoy your new results for an average of six months. However, many patients report that their results can last over a year with good skincare and minor touch-up appointments. Your doctor can help you design a personalized treatment plan that can maintain your results, prevent new signs of aging from developing, and continue to treat most common skin concerns. In addition, this treatment can be combined with one of our other quality services to provide enhanced results.

Contact Us to Learn More!

Put your best face forward by letting Juvederm rejuvenate your skin and erase your concerns. To learn more about this transformative treatment, contact our team of experts at Sule Facial Plastic Surgery Clinic in Dallas, TX to schedule an initial consultation today! We look forward to serving you and helping you reach your aesthetic goals!

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