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What Is the Right Age to Get a Facelift?

If you’re tired of cosmetic treatments that wear off after a few weeks or months, you’re in luck. You can smooth your wrinkles and enhance your appearance in a more lasting manner with a facelift. At Sule Facial Plastic Surgery Clinic in Dallas, Texas, we use this aesthetic procedure to tighten your skin, improve your profile, and make you look younger and fresher. If you take good care of your skin and live a healthy lifestyle, the results of this procedure can last for many years.

What Is the Right Age to Get a Facelift?

You might have heard people say that you need to wait until you are in your fifties or sixties to get a facelift. These people are not correct, and there isn’t a set time period when you should receive this cosmetic procedure. Instead, this is a customized procedure that works for a wide variety of people. In fact, people anywhere from their thirties to eighties may benefit from a lift.

Focus on Your Skin

The condition of your skin, rather than your age, should guide your decision about when to receive this cosmetic procedure. Your skin is unique, and you will not age at the same rate as other people do. Your genetics, your lifestyle choices, and other factors will affect how your appearance changes over time.

For instance, if your relatives developed deep wrinkles and sagging skin at an early age, you are likely to experience these issues as well.

If these changes bother you, you might benefit from receiving this cosmetic procedure when you are in your thirties or forties. If your skin ages at a slower rate, you might prefer to receive this procedure at a later stage in your life.

Talk to Us

The best way to know if you can benefit from this procedure is to receive a consultation with us. During this meeting, we talk about our full range of cosmetic treatments and procedures. We will help you decide if you are a good candidate for a lift.

What Will My Initial Consultation Be Like?

Your initial consultation with Dr. Sandy Sule is a very important part of your procedure.

Preparing for Your Consultation

After you schedule your initial meeting, we will send you a welcome letter, directions to our office in Dallas, and paperwork. To make your consultation more efficient, you should fill out this paperwork before you arrive at our office.

Beginning Your Consultation

Our Patient Care Coordinator will take photographs of your face before you meet with Dr. Sule. We will put these images on a high-resolution monitor. These images will help you and Dr. Sule discuss the improvements that you would like to achieve during your cosmetic procedure.

Talking With Dr. Sule

During your meeting with Dr. Sule, he will analyze your face and talk about your medical history and overall health. He will also listen to your aesthetic goals and preferences. Based on this information, he will design a customized procedure for you. At this point, you’ll have a chance to talk about any questions or concerns that you have.

Considering Your Options

Once the meeting is complete, our Patient Care Coordinator can schedule a time for your procedure. If you’re not ready to select a procedure yet, don’t worry. We will not pressure you to make this choice immediately. Instead, you may take as much time as you need to make this important decision.

To help guide you through this process, we will give you a folder of educational materials about your options. We will also provide you with simulated before and after images of your face. These images will help you visualize the anticipated outcome of your procedure.

How Does This Procedure Improve My Appearance?

This procedure will be customized to fit your unique needs, and we will adjust your lift to fit the condition of your muscles and skin, the shape of your bones, and other factors. That said, we perform two main types of this cosmetic procedure at Sule Facial Plastic Surgery Clinic.

A Traditional Lift

During a traditional lift, we will detach your skin from the subcutaneous tissues on your face. Once we have moved your skin upward, we will reposition your muscles and tissues. We may also remove excess skin and fat from your face. Once you achieve the full benefits of this procedure, your wrinkles and fine lines will be less visible, and your skin will look tighter and more youthful.

A Mini Lift

A mini-lift is a less invasive procedure with shorter recovery time. This type of lift can minimize wrinkles on your cheeks and make you look fresher and more attractive. During your mini lift, we will make a small incision into your skin. Next, we will use specialized tools to adjust or remove muscles and fat on your face. To complete your mini lift, we will move your skin upward and close your incision.

Choosing a Procedure

The procedure that you receive will depend on the condition of your skin and your aesthetic goals and preferences. For example, if you are trying to minimize deep wrinkles and sagging skin along your jawline, we will probably advise you to get a traditional lift. If you are dealing with less severe wrinkles, you will probably benefit from a mini lift.

What Will My Recovery Period Be Like?

We have extensive experience performing this cosmetic procedure in a safe, efficient manner. As a result, you will feel comfortable after your appointment is complete. That said, you will need to take some time off from your job and other activities while your body recovers from your lift. It’s common to return to your job after a couple of weeks.

We will provide you with detailed instructions about how to care for your body during your recovery period. Although your recovery plan will be personalized, there are some general guidelines that you should keep in mind during this time.

The First Week

For the next two days, you should apply cold compresses to your face every day. You should also wash your face with lukewarm water for seven days.

The Second Week

For the next two weeks, you should use pillows, a recliner, or a wedge cushion to keep your head elevated when you are in bed. You should not sleep on your stomach or on your side during this time. You also should not drive during this period or use any hairsprays or conditioners.

The Third and Fourth Weeks

You can return to normal physical activity after three to four weeks.

How Long Will My Improvements Last?

This cosmetic procedure provides very long-lasting results and your improvements are likely to last for many years. That said, it’s important to understand that this procedure will not stop you from aging in the future.

To prolong the benefits of your lift, you should live a healthy lifestyle. In particular, you should eat a balanced diet and drink an adequate amount of water. You should always use a high-quality sunscreen when you go outside. In addition, you should not smoke. Smoking cigarettes will harm your health and cause your skin to age more quickly.

Can I Receive Multiple Cosmetic Procedures at the Same Time?

You can receive multiple cosmetic procedures during a single appointment, and it’s common to receive other procedures at the same time as your lift. Receiving multiple procedures is a good way to achieve comprehensive improvements in your appearance.

Brow Lift

A brow lift is an excellent procedure to receive along with a facelift. As you age, your brow will begin to sag. This change will make you look worried, tired, or angry. We can improve your brow using a temporal or limited incision brow lift. During this procedure, we will make small incisions behind your hairline. We will use these incisions to lift the tissues on your forehead.

We can also use an endoscopic brow lift or a classic brow lift to enhance your appearance. We can provide you with more details about these options during your initial meeting with us.

Neck Lift

It’s common to receive a neck lift in connection with other cosmetic procedures. During a neck lift, we will make an incision near your ears or under your chin. This incision will enable us to tighten the muscles in your neck. During this time, we may also remove unwanted fat from this area.

To complete your procedure, we will eliminate excess skin in your target area and use sutures to close your incisions. Once you have achieved the full effect of this lift, your neck and profile will look tighter and more youthful.

Can I Use Less Invasive Techniques to Improve My Appearance?

Although a lift is a very effective way to enhance your face, this procedure is not right for everyone. If you are dealing with minor lines and wrinkles, you might prefer to use less invasive treatments to address these issues. These aesthetic treatments have minimal downtime, so you won’t need to take any time off from your work or other duties.


We can tighten your skin and add volume to your face with Profound. This cosmetic technique, which is sometimes called a non-invasive facelift, uses micro-needling and radiofrequency energy to treat your skin. Receiving this treatment will encourage your body to make more collagen, hyaluronic acid, and elastin. Over time, your increased production of these important substances will lift your skin and decrease the appearance of your wrinkles.


In addition to Profound, we can use a variety of injectable products to enhance your skin. For instance, Botox and Dysport are injectable products that can smooth your wrinkles for three to four months. Further, we can use dermal fillers like Restylane, Juvederm, and Radiesse to add volume to your cheeks, fill in fine lines and wrinkles, and plump your lips.

Am I a Good Candidate for This Procedure?

If you are an adult who wants to look younger and more attractive, you are likely to be a good candidate for a lift. In particular, this treatment can be an excellent way to address sagging skin along your jawline or wrinkles that run from your nose to your mouth.

That said, there are some health conditions that can prevent you from receiving this procedure. For instance, you might not be able to receive a lift if you have a bleeding disorder or other significant health issues.

Schedule a Consultation

You can smooth your skin, enhance your profile, and address many other issues and imperfections with a facelift. If you take good care of your skin, the results of this cosmetic procedure are likely to last for many years. To learn more about this amazing procedure, contact us at Sule Facial Plastic Surgery Clinic in Dallas, Texas for an initial consultation today.

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