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What Is Involved in a Brow Lift?

brow lift

A brow lift, otherwise known as a forehead lift, is among the most popular cosmetic procedures on the market. Among the benefits of this brow lift procedure are the elimination of crow’s feet and glabellar lines. It is also used to lift the eyebrows, making the eyes look younger and brighter. Today, our experts at Sule Facial Plastic Surgery Clinic in Dallas, TX are discussing what this procedure entails.

What Is Involved in a Brow Lift?

Prior to the start of your procedure, we will ensure your comfort by giving you an anesthetic. Your health, personal preference, and the scope of your procedure will determine whether we administer a combination of sedation and local anesthesia or general anesthesia. As a general rule, you will receive a local anesthetic if you only need a mini-forehead lift.

If you need a full forehead lift, particularly if you are receiving other anti-aging procedures at the same time, you will most likely receive a general anesthetic. Once you are asleep and numb, we will make small incisions that allow us to manipulate the tissues in your upper face. Your aesthetic goals are among the factors that will affect where your incisions are made. We will determine where your incisions will be made during your initial consultation.

Classic Forehead Lift

A classic forehead lift, otherwise known as a coronal forehead lift, is one of the most common types of forehead lift. If you opt for a classic forehead lift, we will make an incision above one of your ears. You don’t have to worry about anyone seeing your incision while it is healing because it is made in your hairline. It will extend around your forehead in your hairline, ending above your other ear.

Through this discreetly placed incision, we will remove any excess skin you may have. We can also excise a little bit of excess fat. Once your excess tissues are removed, we will lift your upper facial muscles to erase lines, wrinkles, and folds. Your eyebrows will also be raised.  Finally, we will suture the incisions closed.

Endoscopic Brow Lift

If you opt for an endoscopic brow lift, we will make a number of small incisions in your hairline. Through these small incisions, we will use very specialized tools to elevate your eyebrow muscles. This technique is usually preferred over a classic forehead lift because the recovery period is typically briefer. This is because the tiny incisions we make are minimally invasive in nature.

Temporal Forehead Lift

The temporal forehead, like the endoscopic forehead lift, is minimally invasive in nature. Therefore, if you opt for this technique, you will probably receive a local anesthetic. We will determine during your initial consultation whether, based on your cosmetic concerns, this technique is right for you.

What Can I Expect Following a Forehead Lift?

What to Expect During Your Recovery Period

Typically, the recovery period following a forehead lift lasts for 10 to 14 days. However, several factors affect how long the recovery period lasts, including how well you follow your recovery guidelines and the technique used. As a general rule, you can expect that your recovery period will be shorter if you opt for an endoscopic forehead lift or a temporal forehead lift.

Additionally, you can expect a shorter recovery period if you make sure that you remain hydrated, get as much rest as you can, and eat nutritious meals following your procedure. Specifically, you should nap whenever you feel too tired and sleep no fewer than 7.5 hours nightly.

An Additional Note

Note, just as important as it is very important to get plenty of sleep during your recovery period, it is crucial that you sleep on your back. Also, you can ensure your recovery period goes as quickly as possible by eating 50 to 60 grams of protein every day, getting your recommended daily allowance of vitamin C, and drinking at least 64 ounces of hydrating fluids.

How Long Will My Results Last?

Typically, you can expect your results to last for 10 to 12 years if you get a coronal forehead lift. Nevertheless, your results may not last for up to a decade if you opt for a mini-forehead lift. Be advised, your results will last longer, irrespective of the technique used, if you make caring for your skin health a high priority. Specifically, you need to make sure you keep your skin’s elastin and collagen as healthy as possible.

Fortuitously, caring for the health of your collagen is very similar to caring for the health of your elastin. Staying hydrated is one of the best things you can do to keep your skin healthy and smooth. Also, keeping your skin hydrated will help your results last for as long as possible. Other actionable steps you can take to enjoy results that last for as long as possible include:


Am I a Good Candidate for a Forehead Lift?

You need to come in for an initial consultation to determine if a forehead lift is right for you and which technique would best help you achieve your goals. As a general rule, you will qualify for this procedure if you are worried about the appearance of your forehead, eyebrows, and outer eye area. Nevertheless, we need to verify that you are healthy enough to get a forehead lift.

For example, you need to tell us about all of the drugs and supplements you currently take, especially those that thin your blood. Thus, if you are taking blood-thinners for a bleeding disorder or heart disease, you will not be considered a good candidate for this procedure. Also, you must be able to follow all preparation instructions to qualify for this operation. Here are some of the steps you must take to prepare for your forehead lift.

Don’t Smoke

You must be capable of not consuming nicotine for several days in advance of your forehead lift to be considered a good candidate for this procedure. The reason you can’t smoke, vape, or consume other tobacco products is that nicotine elevates your blood pressure significantly by constricting the blood vessels. Keeping your blood pressure within a normal range is essential.

Don’t Consume Alcohol

Alcohol, like nicotine, increases your blood pressure significantly. Therefore, to qualify for your forehead lift, you must be able to go several days without consuming alcohol. The primary difference between nicotine and alcohol is that the former elevates blood pressure by constricting your blood vessels. The latter lowers blood pressure when it is consumed in small amounts because it relaxes your blood vessels, widening them.

Nevertheless, when alcohol is consumed in high levels, it acts as a vasoconstrictor, constricting your blood vessels just like nicotine does. To be clear, you should consume no alcohol in the days leading up to your treatment. Even if you only consume alcohol in moderation, alcohol is a diuretic, so you will still lose essential micronutrients and hydration. Note, it is essential that you are adequately nourished and hydrated when you come in for your forehead lift.


Remember, whether you receive general anesthesia depends on numerous factors, including the health of your heart and lungs, your personal preference, and the scope of your procedure. If you opt for a general anesthetic, you will need to fast for eight hours before your forehead lift.

For clarity, it is essential that you do not consume any solid food in the eight hours preceding your procedure. During most of this time, it is okay to drink translucent beverages, like water, pulp-free coconut water, apple juice, and unsweetened tea. You cannot drink any beverages containing pulp, like orange juice or mango juice. However, you should stop consuming even translucent fluids two hours before your procedure.

Discover How You Can Restore Your Youthful Countenance Today

A brow lift entails improving the appearance of your upper face by removing excess skin and fat and manipulating your facial tissues. The results of this procedure tend to last for roughly 10 to 12 years, and the recovery period is usually over in two weeks. If you opt for a temporal or endoscopic forehead lift, your recovery period may be over in only one week.

To determine whether you are a good candidate for this procedure, contact us today at Sule Facial Plastic Surgery Clinic in Dallas, TX to schedule your initial forehead lift consultation. We can’t wait to meet you and help you restore your youthful countenance.

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