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What Is a “Liquid Lift”?

At Sule Facial Plastic Surgery Clinic in Dallas, TX, we are passionate about helping our clients restore the self-confidence they had in days gone by. We’re proud to offer a number of anti-aging procedures to help our clients enhance their visage. However, we understand that surgery isn’t right for everyone. If you’re not quite ready to commit to an anti-aging procedure, a liquid lift may be a better fit for you. Read on to learn more.

What Is a Liquid Lift? 

A liquid lift, commonly referred to as a liquid facelift, is an injectable cosmetic treatment designed to revitalize the face through dermal fillers. Often, lines, wrinkles, and folds develop due to a moderate or severe amount of collagen and elastin loss. This can also cause skin sagging, making you look older than you feel. Furthermore, an insufficient supply of collagen can result in such hollow contours as the apple of your cheek and your temples.

One great thing about getting a liquid facelift is the precision with which the fillers can be administered. Dr. Sule has years of experience and an artful eye, focusing on lifting and recontouring the face around the areas of concern rather than simply injecting a gel into an area lacking volume. The customizability of this treatment is also great.

What Areas of Concern Can Be Addressed With This Treatment?  

With non-invasive facial rejuvenation, you may be able to address all of your facial cosmetic concerns. We qualify the statement because this treatment improves the appearance of the face with the help of dermal fillers. Unfortunately, dermal fillers are not effective for the treatment of dynamic lines, wrinkles, and folds. Interestingly, though, dermal filler injections can help the results of an injectable muscle relaxant last longer.

During your initial consultation, Dr. Sule will look at all of your areas of concern and advise you on whether they are caused by volume loss or overactive muscles. If your concerns are moderate or severe in nature and caused by volume loss, there’s an excellent chance that this treatment will be effective for you. Some of the most common problems that can be treated with a liquid facelift include: 

Can I Get Dermal Fillers and Muscle Relaxants Injected? 

Yes, it is safe to get both dermal fillers and muscle relaxants injected. The incredible safety profiles of both types of anti-aging injectables is particularly great if you have cosmetic concerns caused by both volume loss and overactive muscles. In a single treatment session, you can address all of your volume loss-related concerns and get your overly tense muscles to start relaxing.

How Quickly Does This Treatment Work? 

This treatment works incredibly quickly. The dermal fillers contain hyaluronic acid, a synthetic, bioidentical variation of the polysaccharide your body naturally produces. While it can be found throughout the body, including in the cushioning between the joints, it is most predominantly found in the skin. When the synthetic hyaluronic acid (HA) is administered, it attracts and binds to an astonishing amount of hydrogen dioxide. This provides immediate volumization.

If you check your reflection in your rearview mirror after treatment, you’ll probably feel a little more confident. However, the magic is only starting when you leave our office. The tiny insulin injector-sized needle used to administer the gel penetrates the fibroblasts deep within your skin, creating “micro-injuries.” In response to the injuries, due in part to the extra water in the area, your skin produces extra collagen to facilitate wound healing.

How Long Will It Take Me To See My Desired Results? 

You should expect to see your ideal results just 10 to 14 days after your injection session. However, individual responses to treatment vary. Generally, you can expect to see faster results if you are a younger, non-smoker with a healthy diet, excellent skincare routine, and healthy lifestyle. If you smoke, don’t wear sunscreen, don’t moisturize your skin every day, and have severe rather than moderate or mild concerns, it will take you longer to see your ideal results.

What Can I Expect After My Treatment Session? 

You should expect absolutely no downtime whatsoever after your non-surgical facelift. Since the needle we use to administer the filler is so small, there won’t be any pain during your treatment. Since there won’t be any pain during your treatment, there is no need for sedation, local anesthesia, or general anesthesia. Since you won’t be given any medication that will slow your reflexes or cause drowsiness, it is perfectly safe for you to drive after treatment.

Just keep in mind that you may want to take the rest of the day off from work if you have a physically demanding job or feel self-conscious without makeup. While there’s no downtime after treatment, there are some restrictions you’ll need to adhere to after your injection session. Two of the most important recovery guidelines are to refrain from wearing makeup for 24 hours and avoid sweating.

What Other Restrictions Should I Be Aware of? 

While it’s important to avoid saunas and steam rooms to prevent sweating for 24 hours post-treatment, it’s just as important to avoid vigorous exercise for seven days post-treatment. The reason you shouldn’t follow an intense workout program during the first week is that the more vigorously you exercise, the higher your metabolism is. The higher your metabolism is, the more likely it is that your body will metabolize the injected fillers too quickly.

It is also extremely important that you minimize sun exposure after your treatment session. You need to keep the treated areas clean and free from irritation. When sunlight is unavoidable, use a gentle, powerful sunblock that will prevent UV damage without irritating your skin. Note that it’s a good idea to minimize sun exposure as much as possible long after your final results have become apparent. The sun emits UVC rays that can compromise the integrity of your results.

How Long Will My Results Last? 

You can feel pretty confident that your ideal dermal filler results will last for roughly six to 36 months depending on the filler you get. If you get Radiesse injections to improve your appearance, your results may last one to three years. Juvederm Voluma results last for roughly two years and lip fillers last six to 18 months.

Am I a Good Candidate for This Treatment? 

If you’re neither pregnant nor breastfeeding and looking for a way to reverse aging signs without committing to surgery, you’ll probably qualify for this non-invasive anti-aging treatment. This is a fully-customizable treatment available to both men and women. If you are a man seeking a liquid lift, Dr. Sule can use different dermal fillers and injection locations to eliminate wrinkles and folds while highlighting such masculine features as your: 

What Contraindications Should I Be Aware of? 

Besides pregnancy and breastfeeding, some of the most common contraindications for a liquid facelift include neuromuscular disorders and certain cardiovascular problems, like coronary artery disease. Moreover, infectious illnesses and skin irritation at the planned injection site will preclude you from qualifying for treatment temporarily. Dr. Sule will review your health, including the pharmaceuticals you take regularly, thoroughly to verify your candidacy.

Is Surgery Right for Me? 

People love how subtle the results of a liquid facelift are, and the treatment can make a significant improvement in your appearance. However, in severe cases of volume loss and skin sagging, surgery may be a better fit.

Similarly, a facelift may be a better fit for you if your concerns are caused by problems with the musculature underlying your skin. Just keep in mind that surgery may not be the best fit for you if you have any of the contraindications of a liquid lift. For instance, you won’t qualify for a facelift if you are pregnant or suffering from an infectious illness.

Schedule Your Initial Consultation Today

A liquid lift is a dermal filler-based anti-aging treatment that can address the same concerns as a surgical facelift. It works quickly to encourage extra localized collagen production and provides great results that can last for up to two years. If you think you could benefit from a non-surgical liquid facelift, schedule an appointment with Dr. Sule now at Sule Facial Plastic Surgery Clinic in Dallas, TX. We can’t wait to help you look years younger in just a couple of weeks.

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