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What Is a Facelift and Is It Right for You?

What Is a Facelift & Is It Right for You? - Facial Plastic Surgery

While skin laxity and the signs of gravity are universally experienced by everyone as they grow older, it can affect individuals differently. Genetics can cause some areas of the face to sag and droop more than others and some people are more prone to deep folds and lines. If you are experiencing a significant amount of laxity in the jowls and neck and you are interested in resolving it surgically, a rhytidectomy at Sule Plastic Surgery may be right for you. 

What Is a Rhytidectomy?

A rhytidectomy, or facelift, is a surgical procedure that is performed to help lift the middle and lower areas of the face as well as the jaw and the neck. It involves making incisions and then lifting skin, muscles, and other tissues and removing any excess skin that is present because of skin laxity. It is a surgery that is indicated for individuals who are unhappy with their jowls, marionette lines, neck wrinkles, or extra skin under the chin and who would like the more dramatic results that can be achieved through a surgical procedure. 

What is the Difference Between a Facelift and a Mini Facelift?

At our clinic, we perform two different types of operations depending on the individual and the goals that they have for their appearance. These two surgeries are called the facelift and the mini facelift.  

Full Facelift

Full facelift surgery is an operation that is done to lift the lower half of the face as well as the neck. To do this lift, your surgeon will make an incision that starts in the hairline of your temple. By beginning the incision here, your hair can grow over and around the incision to disguise it. Next, the incision will run in front of your ear, carefully hidden in the natural crease and shadows of the ear. Finally, the incision can continue behind the ear and sometimes into the hairline in this area. 

In a deep plane facelift or SMAS facelift, the muscles of the face and neck are lifted to allow for better and longer-lasting results. The muscles are sutured into a more lifted and youthful position. Then the skin is draped without any tension to give your face a natural position, the excess skin is removed, and the incisions are closed. Full facelifts offer more comprehensive results and can last longer. 

Mini Facelift

A mini facelift still offers a lifting effect for the lower face but it involves making a smaller incision. There is also not as much work done under the surface of the skin. It can be especially helpful for addressing skin laxity that is causing jowls or sagging skin under the chin. 

A mini facelift can be beneficial for many patients because it is less invasive. Since the incision is smaller, most patients benefit from a shorter recovery time. If you take care of your skin after the procedure, a mini facelift can still last for many years and keep you looking young and refreshed. This type of facelift can provide a more subtle change for patients who want to look refreshed without looking like they have had surgery. 

What Can a Facelift Surgery Address? 

Sagging Skin

One of the primary objectives of facelift surgery is to help lift sagging skin in the lower half of the face. Over time, gravity and a reduction in collagen in the skin can cause the skin to sag and hang over the jawline which can cause you to look older. If you have jowls, a “turkey neck”, or a double chin, the surgery can be very effective at restoring your jawline and chin shape. 

Improve Facial Expression

Deep lines and folds around the mouth, sometimes called the marionette lines, can make some people look like they are frowning. A facelift can help to lift the corners of your mouth and smooth away marionette lines so that your facial expression can be pleasant even when you aren’t actively smiling. 

Lines and Folds

If you have lines and folds that are caused by skin laxity and gravity, these can often be effectively treated with facelift surgery. Common areas that can be improved are the lower half of the nasolabial folds, marionette lines, and lines and folds in the upper neck. 

What Can a Facelift Surgery Not Address?

Complexion Concerns

Neither a facelift surgery nor a mini facelift is intended for addressing concerns about the complexion. Patients who have sun damage in addition to skin laxity may benefit from combining their facelift surgery with treatments that can address complexion concerns. 

Skin Laxity Around the Eyes

Because facelifts focus on the mid to lower portion of the face, they cannot address skin laxity around the eyes or on the forehead. Separate procedures can be done to reduce bags under the eyes or to lift the eyebrow area. 

Surface Wrinkles and Fine Lines

Fine lines and wrinkles that are on the surface of the skin are often caused by exterior factors such as sun exposure, smoking, exposure to pollutants, and facial expressions. Even with a facelift, many of these concerns may still be present. However, many treatments can be used to improve the quality of the skin once it is placed into a better position with a facelift. 

Facelift Surgery in Dallas, TX

At Sule Plastic Surgery, our patients in Dallas can get excellent results from their facelift surgeries. You can view our gallery for facelift and mini facelift before and after photos. If you are ready to schedule your consultation, you can contact us today by filling out an online form or by calling us. 

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