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How Soon Does Botox Start Working?

Do people think you look cranky or tired all the time because of drooping upper eyelids? Do people think you are frustrated all the time because of deep forehead folds? Do you feel like you look older than you really are due to nasolabial folds, smoker’s lines, or crow’s feet? If so, you may need Botox injections at Sule Facial Plastic Surgery Clinic in Dallas, TX. Today, we’re taking a closer look at this powerful injectable, including how quickly it works.

How Soon Does Botox Start Working?

Botox starts to work immediately, but it does not reveal its results immediately. You can generally expect to start seeing the results of your treatment 48 to 96 hours after the medication is administered. As for the final results, you shouldn’t be surprised if you don’t feel satisfied with your results for 10 days to two full weeks. Usually, you will see the final results faster if you had only mild or moderate concerns, rather than severe concerns.

How Can I See My Final Results Faster?

You can see your final results faster by exercising the treated muscles 200 times per day, beginning on the same day as your injection session. For example, if you get an injectable muscle relaxant treatment to erase nasolabial folds caused by overactive muscles, you should scrunch your nose and relax it 40 times. Then, you should repeat the exercise four more times throughout the day.

How Long Will the Results of My Treatment Last?

Individual results vary, but most people report that their ideal results last for two to six months. Generally, you can expect your results to last longer if you have mild or moderate cosmetic concerns, you’re fairly young, or you lead a healthy lifestyle. Younger people tend to enjoy longer-lasting results because their skin tends to have more healthy collagen in it. Collagen is important for the longevity of your results because it is responsible for skin volume and elasticity.

To keep your collagen as healthy as possible, make sure that you wear plenty of sun protection every day, even when it’s overcast outside. Also, when possible, minimize the amount of time you are exposed to direct sunlight between the hours of 10 in the morning and 4 in the afternoon. Another effective step you can take to keep your collagen as healthy as possible is to never consume nicotine and only consume alcohol in moderation.

Bonus Tips

When you drink alcohol, make sure you drink an eight-ounce glass of water before and after drinking a unit of alcohol. Drinking 16 ounces of water per unit of alcohol is so important because alcohol is a toxin. Your body responds to this toxin consumption by flushing out the alcohol, along with a significant amount of water and micronutrients. Unfortunately, you need to consume enough water and micronutrients every day to keep your collagen healthy.

You also may want to make a point to eat a little more fruits and vegetables on days that you drink alcohol. This will mitigate the micronutrients flushed out when you drink alcohol. It is also important to note that you should drink no more than one unit of alcohol if you are female and no more than two units of alcohol if you are male per day.

How Long Will My Treatment Session Take?

Botox injections only take a few minutes to administer. The length of your appointment time depends on numerous factors, including the number of areas of concern you have, the dose you will need to achieve your desired results, and whether you are also getting other anti-aging treatments during your appointment.

You should not be surprised if your appointment only takes 15 minutes. However, your appointment may take closer to 30 minutes if you opt for a topical numbing cream before your injections are administered. It doesn’t take long to apply the topical numbing cream, but it may take a little while for it to take full effect and ensure you feel nothing during your treatment session.

Am I a Good Candidate for This Treatment?

You may be considered a good candidate for this treatment if you are concerned about the appearance of dynamic wrinkles. However, it isn’t just your concerns that determine whether you qualify for this treatment. Your health also has to be evaluated to verify that Botox is appropriate for you. For example, you will be considered a poor candidate for this treatment if you are nursing, have nursed recently, are pregnant, or are trying to be pregnant.

As another example, you will be considered a poor fit for this anti-aging treatment if you are taking an oral muscle relaxant that you can’t stop taking temporarily to prepare for your treatment. You will also be disqualified from this treatment if you take certain sleep aids that you cannot stop taking temporarily to prepare for your treatment.

What Else Should I Do to Prepare for My Treatment?

There are many other preparation steps you should take in advance of your treatment to prepare, but they’re all simple. For example, it is crucial that you prevent skin irritation. Therefore, you should make sure you wear sunscreen diligently for the two weeks leading up to your treatment session. For the same reason, you should avoid using any skincare products that can irritate your skin, like glycolic acid, retinol, AHAs, and BHAs.

Also, you should not undergo any cosmetic treatments in the days leading up to your appointment that can irritate your skin. Moreover, if you shave the treatment area, make sure you use shaving cream and a sharp razor. If your skin is irritated at the time of your appointment, you will need to reschedule it. On that note, you may want to use a preventative acne medication if you have a history of acne outbreaks in the treatment area.

What If My Cosmetic Concerns Are Too Severe?

You have a couple of options if your cosmetic concerns are so severe that a single treatment session will be inadequate. For example, you can get two treatment sessions spaced a week or two apart to achieve the smooth, youthful skin you desire. Alternatively, there may be a cosmetic procedure that you find appropriate for you. For example, you may benefit from a forehead lift if you are concerned about sagging eyebrows and forehead folds.

How Long Does a Forehead Lift Take?

Typically, an endoscopic forehead lift takes roughly one to two hours to complete. However, there are several factors that affect how long your procedure will take, including the scope of the procedure and the technique used to provide the results. The length of your procedure is also affected by whether you need other cosmetic procedures or treatments in addition to your forehead lift.

For example, if you have very deep forehead folds, you may benefit from a forehead lift. If you also have concerns about crow’s feet, you may benefit from getting blepharoplasty at the same time as your forehead lift.

Am I a Good Candidate for a Forehead Lift?

You will generally be considered a good candidate for a forehead lift if you are concerned about the appearance of your upper face due to rhytids, folds, and lines. However, an initial evaluation is required to verify that this procedure is right for you. We don’t just need to evaluate your areas of concern and aesthetic goals. We also need to discuss your health to verify that you are healthy enough to undergo this procedure.

Usually, forehead lifts are performed under twilight anesthesia or IV sedation and a local anesthetic. This is notable because when general anesthesia is not required, there are not extremely strict requirements regarding the health of your heart and lungs. Some of the most significant health factors that affect whether you qualify for a forehead lift include type 2 diabetes, bleeding disorders, and a history of keloid scarring.

Schedule Your Initial Consultation Today

This injectable muscle relaxant starts to work right away, but it can take over a week to see the final results. Specifically, final results usually become apparent after 10 to 14 days. To see your results faster, make a point to tense and relax the treated muscles 200 times per day, starting the day of your treatment session. To find out whether this injectable is right for you, book an appointment with us today at Sule Facial Plastic Surgery Clinic in Dallas, TX.

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