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How Quickly Does Dysport Start Working?

If you have noticed lines and wrinkles developing on your face, and topical products don’t seem to be delivering the results they used to, then Dysport might be for you. This injectable treatment is designed to smooth out frown lines between the eyebrows in particular and can take years off your look. This is just one of the effective treatments we offer at Sule Facial Plastic Surgery Clinic in Dallas, TX.

How Quickly Does Dysport Start Working?

It only takes 2 to 3 days to see the results of this treatment and a real improvement in your frown lines. Within 48 hours, you should be seeing the effects begin, and those lines that have been making you look more serious or even angry when you’re not will finally disappear. The fact that this treatment is fast acting is one of the reasons it’s so popular.

What Is Dysport?

Dysport is similar in many ways to Botox. Like Botox, it is a neurotoxin. The difference, however, is that this treatment is particularly designed for treating frown lines, also known as glabellar lines.

What Is a Neurotoxin?

A neurotoxin can sound scary because of the word “toxin,” but it’s nothing to be concerned about. What it does is cancel out the effectiveness of neurotransmitters, which interferes with the signaling between nerves and muscles and smooths out your wrinkles in the process.

How It Works

Your body uses chemical messengers known as neurotransmitters to send signals from nerves to the muscles. A neurotoxin destroys these neurotransmitters, though only in the area where it’s injected, thus canceling the signaling and forcing the muscles to relax. As the muscles relax, they will stop moving your skin and forming wrinkles or lines.

Many of our wrinkles form because of muscle movement. As you grow older, you are constantly making the same expressions over and over, and the skin involved in those expressions becomes weaker over time. When we are young, our bodies make lots of collagen and elastin, which keeps our skin supple, strong, and elastic.

As we get older, our body stops making so much of these proteins, and the consequence is that our skin can no longer stand up to the constant use we put it through as we smile, frown, and make other expressions with our faces. Dysport is so effective because it relaxes the muscles that are constantly moving, allowing the skin to rest, rebuild, and take on a smoother and more youthful appearance.

About Treatment

The treatment process is very quick. It usually takes less than 30 minutes, and the actual treatment itself can be as quick as just 10 minutes. The first step is to apply a numbing cream to the treatment area to ensure your perfect comfort.

Once the skin is numb, we begin a series of very strategic injections between your eyebrows. We are specifically targeting areas that will relax the muscles that are responsible for causing your wrinkles, but without affecting the surrounding muscles. It’s important that your treatment be targeted carefully so that you are able to retain perfectly natural expression even as your wrinkles smooth out. That’s why it’s important to always seek out experienced, professional injectors for this or any similar treatment.

About Results

Not only are the results of this treatment quick, but they’re also long-lasting. For most people, treatment can last as long as five months at a time. Some people schedule follow-up treatments at three to four months in order to maintain a seamless appearance, but ultimately it will depend on how quickly your body metabolizes this treatment. Some people enjoy the results for even longer than five months.

About Candidates for Treatment

Just about everyone between the ages of 18 and 65 is eligible for this treatment. It works for both men and women, and it is effective at any age. Some people choose to get treatment when they first notice serious signs of aging, often in their late 30s or early 40s.

Other people choose to get treatment much earlier in order to prevent wrinkles from forming. It’s not uncommon for people in their 20s to seek treatment for this reason. Even if you have advanced wrinkles and are in your 50s or early 60s, this product will still make a significant difference and take years off your look.

What Are the Treatment Benefits?

You may have heard a lot about this treatment lately, and that’s not because it’s better than Botox, but just because it’s new and offers unique benefits. Where Botox is a more general solution, Dysport is specifically designed to treat frown lines. It’s very good at what it does, and there are a number of benefits to treatment that are worth knowing about.


You will especially love this benefit of treatment if you’ve been trying anti-wrinkle creams and other topical treatments and are finding yourself increasingly dissatisfied with the results. This is normal: topical treatments can only do so much. The can only support from the outside the real effects that are going on underneath the skin.

Eventually, the consequences of aging mean that what’s happening under the skin, such as lack of collagen production, is far more significant than what any topical treatment may be doing. This treatment addresses the issue from the inside, and so it effectively treats frown lines in a way that topical treatments never can. Patients who choose this treatment report a very high satisfaction rate.


With some treatments, you get a laundry list of post-treatment care instructions that require you to upend your life in order to ensure your treatment works. One of our favorite things about this treatment is how simple it is to take care of your skin afterward. All you need to do is avoid a couple of things for 24 hours, like getting overheated or rubbing your face. Otherwise, you can go back to your regular schedule and life with no delay.


If you’ve never gotten a treatment like this before, you may be worried that you’ll look like a completely different person when it’s over. One of the benefits of this treatment is that the results are perfectly natural. This treatment, both the injectable itself and the process, are designed to only affect the muscles that are causing your frown lines to form. Other muscles will be left untouched, allowing you to make natural expressions as you always have.

In the past, in the early days of neuromodulator treatments like Botox, people were worried about looking “frozen.” This was due primarily to poorly trained practitioners and a lack of familiarity with the product. There’s nothing to be concerned about these days when you seek out skilled and experienced professionals to deliver your treatment.

For Men, Too

Both men and women can suffer from signs of aging that they don’t like. Some men in particular are not happy with the deep frown lines that form between their eyes that don’t necessarily want to treat wrinkles across the entire face. If that’s you, this treatment is perfect. You will look and feel better, and everything will happen so naturally that no one will know you had work done unless you tell them.


One of the best things about this treatment is that it’s not just a way to treat lines that have already formed. It actually is powerful enough to prevent lines and wrinkles from forming in the first place. By maintaining a consistent treatment schedule from a young age, you can enjoy smooth, youthful-looking skin for the long term.


All of us are concerned about what we’re putting into our bodies, whether it’s what we eat and drink or injectables and other treatments and medications. That’s a good thing: it’s wise to be cautious.

One of the great things about this treatment is that it is proven both safe and effective. It’s been used on millions of people over the last 20 years, and in nearly 70 countries across the world, and it uses the same base ingredient as Botox, which has safely been in use for even longer.

Is This Right for You?

To learn if this treatment is the best way to address your front lines, contact us at Sule Facial Plastic Surgery Clinic in Dallas, TX today.


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