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How Much Does a Neck Lift Cost in 2021?

Neck Lift Cost

Over time, the skin and muscles on your neck will become weaker. You may also gain unwanted fat on your neck. These physical changes can make you look much heavier and older than you actually are. At Sule Facial Plastic Surgery Clinic in Dallas, Texas, we can correct these issues by giving you a neck lift.

How Much Does a Neck Lift Cost in 2021?

The neck lift cost will depend on the condition of your skin. The strength of your neck muscles and the amount of unwanted fat in this area will also affect the cost of your lift. In general, more extensive procedures will cost more money.

For example, you might pay more if we improve the muscles in your neck and use liposuction to remove some of your unwanted fat. In addition to paying for these improvements, you should be prepared to cover anesthesia fees and other costs.

A Cost-Effective Technique

In general, a neck lift cost is between $4,000 and $15,000. Since your lift will improve your appearance for a long time, this cosmetic procedure is a very cost-effective way to change your body.

A Customized Process

When you visit our office, we will have a one-on-one consultation with you. We will look at the muscles and skin on your neck. We will also discuss the range of techniques that we can use to correct your aesthetic concerns. At this point, we can give you more detailed information about the specific cost of your neck lift.

What Steps Should I Follow Before My Neck Procedure?

When we schedule your neck lift, we will provide you with detailed information about how to get ready for this cosmetic procedure. Although your instructions may vary, you should keep some general guidelines in mind.

Quit Smoking

Smoking cigarettes or using other nicotine products will make it harder for your neck to heal. To help your body recover, you will need to stop smoking for at least 14 days before your procedure. You will also need to avoid smoking for two weeks after you get your lift.

Chang Your Medications

We may instruct you not to take certain types of medications before your appointment. In particular, we may tell you to avoid vitamins, supplements, and medications that cause your blood to become thinner.

Take Time Off

You will need to take some time away from your job or childcare tasks after we have finished improving your neck. It’s typical to take up to 14 days off from your work and other duties. The specific length of your recovery period will depend on the techniques we used during your lift and the tasks that you do at your job. For example, you will probably need to take more time off if you are required to perform challenging physical tasks at your job.

Set Up a Recovery Room

You should set up a clean, comfortable recovery room in your home before you receive your procedure. You should put your usual medications and anything you would like to make you comfortable in this room. In addition, you will need to obtain an adequate supply of any prescription medication that we instruct you to take after your lift. We may also instruct you to obtain an antibacterial ointment to put over your incision sites.

In addition to these medical materials, you should put pillows in your recovery room. These pillows will enable you to put your head into a comfortable position while you are recovering.

Preparing Your Clothing

On the morning of your appointment, you should wear comfortable clothing. Instead of wearing a shirt or blouse that must be pulled over your neck, you should put on a button-down shirt or another garment that you can easily remove.

What Type of Anesthesia Will Do I Receive During My Procedure?

We can use different types of anesthesia to keep you comfortable during your procedure. We will discuss these options with you during your initial consultation.

General Anesthesia

If you would like to be completely asleep during your lift, you should opt for general anesthesia. If you are very nervous about your cosmetic procedure, we may advise you to use this option. In addition, we may recommend this option if we are making more extensive changes to your neck.

Local Anesthesia With Sedation

Alternatively, we can provide you with sedation and local anesthesia. This option will numb the tissues in your neck and allow you to feel relaxed during your procedure. If we are making minor changes to your neck, we may advise you to use this anesthesia option.

What Cosmetic Techniques Can Improve My Neck?

The most common issues that affect this area of your body are loose skin, weakened muscles, and unwanted fat. We can use a variety of cosmetic techniques to correct these problems. Your neck procedure is likely to take one to three hours to finish.

Improving Your Tissues

We can enhance your neck by improving the condition of your muscles, fat, and skin. We will begin by making a small incision into the tissues under your chin. Depending on your needs, we may also make incisions in the skin around your ears. We will use these incisions to reach the muscles and fat in your neck. In addition to tightening the muscles in your neck, we may also cut out some of your extra fat.

We can use the incisions around your ears to remove extra skin from your neck. Removing your extra skin will give you a more defined jawline. After we have finished improving your muscles and removing your extra skin, we will use sutures to close up your incisions.

Removing Your Unwanted Fat

We can also use a technique called liposuction to eliminate unwanted fat on your neck. During your procedure, we will make a tiny incision in the skin below your chin. This incision will allow us to suction some of the fat out of your neck. After we have removed some of the extra fat on your neck, we will stitch up your incision and bandage your skin.

Am I a Good Candidate for This Type of Lift?

If you have extra fat and sagging skin on your neck, you will probably benefit from getting this type of lift. You will be more likely to be a good candidate if you have healthy, elastic skin and are relatively close to your ideal weight.

During our one-on-one meeting, we will look at the muscles and tissues in your neck. We will also talk about your medical history and discuss any health issues that you are experiencing. After we have reviewed this information, we will let you know if you are eligible to receive this neck procedure.

When Did Will My Neck improve?

You will probably notice improvements in the muscles, skin, and fat on your neck as soon as your procedure is complete. Since your tissues will take several weeks to recover from your lift, you will not be able to see the final impact of your procedure right away.

Instead, your neck will gradually heal over the next couple of weeks. Although your skin and muscles will heal at a unique rate, you are likely to see the final changes in your neck within about six months.

How Long Will My Enhancements Last?

The results of your neck lift are likely to last for 10 to 15 years. The exact duration of your improvements will depend on the condition of your skin, your health, your age, and other factors. In general, your lift is likely to last for you a longer period of time if you receive this procedure when you have relatively elastic skin.

How Can I Preserve the Improvements in My Neck?

If would like your neck to remain firm and attractive after you receive this procedure, you should extend your results by living a healthy lifestyle and taking excellent care of your skin.

Use Sunscreen

The sun sends out ultra-violet rays that can harm the structure of your skin. These rays can damage your skin on cloudy and sunny days. To protect your tissues, you should put sunscreen on your neck whenever you go outside.

Adjust Your Diet

The vitamins and nutrients that you eat will affect the condition of your skin. For example, eating sufficient amounts of vitamin C can help your body make collagen fibers. These proteins will help the skin in your neck remain firm and elastic. You can obtain vitamin C by eating tomatoes, berries, and citrus fruits.

In addition to eating vitamin C, you should also try to eat foods that contain omega-6 and omega-3 fatty acids. These acids will help to hydrate your skin and reduce irritation and breakouts. Olive oil, tree nuts, and avocados are good sources of fatty acids.

Use Quality Skincare Products

The skin on your neck can become dry during the winter months. To prevent this problem, you should use creams to moisturize these tissues. In addition, you should regularly exfoliate your neck. You can use an exfoliating scrub to eliminate dead skin cells from this area. Removing these cells will give your neck a refreshed, attractive look.

Improve Your Posture

If you spend many hours working at a computer or looking at your smartphone, you can develop noticeable wrinkles on your neck. To prevent wrinkles, you should try to hold your smartphone at eye level. In addition, you should consider using a standing desk when you work at the computer. You could also use a cervical pillow to hold up your head during the workday.

Don’t Smoke

The nicotine in cigarettes will make the blood vessels in your skin become narrower. Narrowing these vessels will make it difficult for blood to bring nutrients and oxygen to your skin. These issues can cause the tissues in your neck to develop creases and wrinkles. Quitting smoking will improve your blood flow and allow your neck to look youthful for a longer period of time.

Can I Use Other Techniques to Improve My Neck?

In addition to providing cosmetic procedures, we can use injectable products to improve the appearance of your neck. If you are a very busy person who doesn’t want to take any time off from your job, you might be a good candidate for these minimally invasive treatments.


We can use an injectable product called Botox to improve the appearance of your neck. During your treatment, we will inject this product into strategic locations on your neck. This product will cause the muscles on your neck to look tighter and stronger. In addition, your jawline will become more defined, and your sagging skin will be less noticeable.

The changes in your neck will wear off as your body processes the injectable solution. If you would like to preserve your attractive, youthful-looking neck, you can receive follow-up injections. It’s normal for your injections to last for three to six months. As a result, you will probably need to receive touch-up treatments about two to four times every year. It will take us about 15 minutes to complete your Botox injections.

Dermal Fillers

We can also use dermal fillers to change the appearance of your neck. Many dermal fillers include a rejuvenating ingredient called hyaluronic acid. When we inject one of our dermal fillers into your neck, the hyaluronic acid in the product will attract water to this part of your body. As the hyaluronic acid binds with this water, the creases and wrinkles on your neck will diminish. It’s common for these changes to last for one to three years.

Lift Your Neck

Receiving a neck lift is an excellent way to correct extra fat, wrinkles, and other aesthetic problems that affect the appearance of this area of your body. This procedure is very quick, and your neck is likely to look firm and youthful for a long time. To learn whether you are eligible to receive this cosmetic procedure, contact us at Sule Facial Plastic Surgery Clinic in Dallas, Texas.

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