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How Long Does It Take To Recover From Eyelid Surgery?

Are you interested in rejuvenating your appearance with eyelid surgery? This treatment, offered by Sule Facial Plastic Surgery Clinic in Dallas, TX, can minimize puffiness and drooping, giving you a more rested and refreshed appearance. For some patients, this treatment can even improve their ability to see. There’s a lot to like about this type of surgery, including the minimal recovery period.

How Long Does It Take To Recover From Eyelid Surgery?

Patients generally take a week or two off of work to recover at home from this type of surgery. Although your eyes may initially feel itchy or tight, the recovery process is straightforward and painless. We may recommend the use of an ointment to prevent dryness, and there are a couple of steps you can take to care for your eyes after treatment and facilitate your recovery.

Get Plenty of Rest

As your body recovers, it will be important to get plenty of sleep. It will also be important to rest your eyes. You may find that your eyes tire easily, so try to limit reading, TV, and screen time during the days immediately following treatment.

Keep Your Head Elevated

It will be important to keep your head elevated, even when sleeping, during the first few days after treatment. Most patients accomplish this by propping their heads up on two or three pillows.

Avoid Rigorous Exercise

Don’t bend down or participate in rigorous exercise, like jogging or weight lifting, because these activities can put pressure on the eyes. These forms of activity should be avoided for two weeks, or until we give you the all-clear to resume them.

Refrain From Using Eye Makeup

Eye makeup, contact lenses, and certain facial creams will also be off-limits during your two-week recovery. We can provide more specific information on products you should or should not use during your initial consultation.

Protect Your Eyes

Protecting your eyes from bright light is always a good idea, but it’s especially important as you’re recovering from eyelid surgery. Make sure you have a good pair of sunglasses to wear.

What Does Eyelid Surgery Involve?

Eyelid surgery, which is referred to in medical terms as Blepharoplasty, is a cosmetic treatment that can reduce eyelid sagging and remove puffiness and under-eye bags. It can also reduce wrinkles and sagging skin around the eyes. This treatment may be performed on the upper lids, the lower lids, or on both lids.

During treatment, tiny incisions will be made in the natural crease behind the upper lid and along the lash line of the lower lid. Working through those incisions, we’ll remove excess skin, fat, and muscle. The incisions will then be closed by self-dissolving sutures, which will leave no visible scar. This outpatient treatment is performed using anesthesia and usually takes an hour or two.

Is This Surgery Ever Combined With Other Treatments?

Patients occasionally opt to combine Blepharoplasty with a facelift, skin resurfacing, or a browlift. A brow lift lifts the eyebrows to open up the eye area and relax forehead creases.

How Long Will My Results Last?

Blepharoplasty, particularly when performed on the lower lid, offers long-lasting improvement. Your results can last about 10 years.

Will This Get Rid of Crow’s Feet?

This treatment won’t address crow’s feet, the fine lines that develop at the corners of the eyes. Our practice offers botulinum toxin injections, and those may be a good option for you if you’re interested in tackling crow’s feet.

What if I’m Not Sure Which Lids Need To Be Treated?

If you’re unhappy with your eyelids, but you can’t pinpoint whether the upper lids or the lower lids are at fault, we can help. The friendly professionals at our practice will work with you to determine the best approach to treatment.

How Much Does This Treatment Cost?

The price of this treatment varies depending on which lids you’re having addressed. We’ll be able to share financial details with you during your consultation. Our practice offers health care financing through Carecredit.

Why Is This Treatment So Popular?

Each year, thousands of patients across the country take advantage of eyelid surgery, which is one of the most popular forms of cosmetic surgery. Sagging, puffy eyelids can make an individual appear older than he or she is, and many patients are eager to reclaim a more youthful appearance. And for some patients, drooping eyelids interfere with vision or are uncomfortable.

Sagging in the eye area is a natural part of the aging process and is no cause for medical concern. It occurs as collagen levels begin to decline and the skin loses some of its elasticity. Each patient’s genetic makeup also plays a role. Because there is little a patient can do to completely ward off signs of aging around the eye, many individuals turn to Blepharoplasty as an effective solution.

Is There Anything I Can Do To Prevent Eyelid Droopiness?

While you can’t completely prevent this type of sagging and drooping, there are steps you can take to support healthy, elastic skin. Protecting your skin from excessive sun exposure, drinking plenty of water, and adhering to a conscientious at-home skincare routine that involves good-quality moisturizers are all good habits to form.

Am I a Good Candidate?

You’re Healthy

Blepharoplasty candidates should be in good general health and should not be experiencing any serious eye conditions. Most patients are 35 years of age or older and are coping with age-related drooping. But this treatment is suitable for younger adults as well. Blepharoplasty is appropriate for both male and female patients.

You Want To Refresh the Look of Your Eyes

Patients who seek this treatment out want to address puffy, sagging eyelids. They may be struggling to see out from beneath flagging eyelids, and in some cases, they may have found that their eyelids are incorrectly signaling to friends and family that they’re tired or sad. If you’re unhappy with your eyelids, this treatment may be for you. It is recommended for patients with drooping that is moderately pronounced.

You’re Realistic

As with any cosmetic treatment, Blepharoplasty patients should have a full understanding of the treatment and realistic expectations about what it can accomplish. Blepharoplasty won’t dramatically overhaul your appearance, but it can help you achieve a more rested, relaxed, youthful appearance, and it can help you noticeably turn back the clock.

What Advantages Does This Treatment Offer?

It Beautifies Your Eyes

Patients typically seek this treatment out because they’re unhappy with the look of their eyelids and the skin around the eyes. But in addition to rejuvenating the skin, this treatment also tightens the area and allows light to reach the eyes, helping them appear brighter and more sparkling. Blepharoplasty can give you beautiful eyes as well as more youthful eyelids. It can help you feel great about your appearance again.

It Will Make Cosmetics More Effective

By smoothing skin in the eye area and giving the eyelid a more youthful and natural contour, this treatment makes it easier to apply eye makeup. The cosmetics you apply will also be more effective.

It Won’t Give You Someone Else’s Eyes

This treatment will help your eyes take on a more youthful appearance, but it won’t change their natural contour or make you look like someone else. You’ll look like a more relaxed and rested version of yourself.

It May Help You See Better

The eyelids sometimes droop over time, and the change can take place so gradually that you may not realize how much your vision is being impeded. If you’re struggling to see from beneath heavy lids, this treatment system can help restore your line of sight.

It Could Result in a More Relaxed Brow

If you’re having trouble seeing because of puffy eyelids, you may also be squinting and furrowing your brow. Resolving that issue can relax your brow and smooth over creases.

It’s a Custom Treatment

No two Blepharoplasty treatments are alike. During your initial consultation, we’ll evaluate your skin and talk with you about what you’re hoping to achieve. We’ll then design a treatment plan that is designed just for you and your cosmetic concerns.

Are You Ready To Rejuvenate Your Appearance?

Blepharoplasty can help you achieve rested, relaxed, youthful eyes with minimal downtime and no discomfort, and your results will last for years. Maybe it’s time you experienced this amazing treatment for yourself. Call Sule Facial Plastic Surgery Clinic in Dallas, TX, and schedule your consultation today!

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