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How Long Does an Eyelid Lift Take?

Sagging eyelid skin is one of the most common telltale signs of aging, and one that many people want to resolve in order to make their eyes appear brighter, younger, and more awake. Eyelid surgery – knowns as blepharoplasty – is a relatively quick and incredibly effective way of achieveing these results. At Sule Facial Plastic Surgery in Dallas, TX, we’re proud to offer this transformative eyelid lift surgery. Let us tell you all about this fantastic procedure so that you can decide if it’s right for you.


How Much Time Does an Eyelid Lift Take?

Blepharoplasty surgery takes between one and two hours. If you’re opting for surgery on just the upper lid or just the lower lid, the procedure takes around an hour. If you’re treating both the upper and lower lids, the surgery will last about two hours. When you visit us for an initial consultation we will talk over your concerns and your goals, and advise you on which type of blepharoplasty is right for you.


Who Is Suitable for Upper Eyelid Surgery?

Upper lid surgery is ideal for those with loose, droopy, wrinkled, or puffy upper eyelids. Some people feel that these issues make them look unhappy, grumpy, or aged. Others find that their vision is affected by droopy upper lids and consider blepharoplasty to improve their sight. Upper eyelid surgery can help you to appear more cheerful and make the eyes look bigger and brighter.


Who Is Suitable for Lower Eyelid Surgery?

Lower lid surgery is designed to improve the appearance of wrinkled, sagging lower lids. These are often referred to as “undereye bags”. Although often associated with tiredness and lack of sleep, some people are simply more susceptible to prominent undereye bags due to their bone structure. Blepharoplasty is a really effective way of removing excess tissue on the lower lids to make the eyes look more refreshed.


How Long Does the Initial Consultation Last?

The length of consultations with Dr. Sule varies from patient to patient. Before the consultation, you can expect to receive some paperwork to complete in advance so that Dr. Sule has some basic information about you before you meet. Right before meeting Dr. Sule, we will take some photographs of your eyes which will be referred to during the consultation. Dr. Sule will then talk to you about your goals and assess whether you’re a good candidate for an eyelid lift. You can ask as many questions as you want about the procedure so that you can be sure it’s the right treatment for you.


Health and Vision Exams

A full physical exam will be performed to check that you are in good health for surgery. We will assess the health of your heart, lungs, and other organs. For eyelid surgery, we take extra care to check the health of the eyes. We want to rule out any diseases of the eyes which could affect the eye lift procedure. We’ll measure your eye refraction and tear production, and give you a visual field test and color perception test. You absolutely do not need perfect vision to undergo blepharoplasty, so don’t worry if you wear glasses or lenses; you are still very likely to be a great candidate for this surgery.


Take Your Time To Commit

We usually schedule a tentative date for surgery at the end of your consultation. However, you don’t have to make a decision right away and there is no pressure to commit until you feel sure it’s the right procedure. If you have any further questions or concerns after leaving our office, you can give us a call to talk them over.


What Other Antiaging Surgeries are Available?

Blepharoplasty is a really effective way of creating a more youthful appearance with a single and relatively small procedure. However, some people are interested in having additional surgeries for improving skin laxity elsewhere on the face and reducing the signs of aging. Sometimes these procedures can be combined into a single surgery, but Dr. Sule will advise on whether it is safe to do this. Other antiaging cosmetic procedures we can provide include:


We also offer a range of procedures for several other cosmetic concerns unrelated to aging. Rhinoplasty is a popular surgery for improving the size and shape of the nose. We also perform ear lifts, scar revisions, mole removals, and chin surgeries. Be sure to get in touch to learn more about the full range of cosmetic procedures we have available.


How Long Until I See Eyelid Lift Results?

Initial results of the procedure will be seen immediately. Once you have recovered from the anesthetic you will be able to look in the mirror and see the impact of the surgery right away. You will notice where we have removed excess tissue to create a lifted appearance. However, as with any cosmetic surgery, there is set to be some swelling in the treated area as the tissues heal. It takes around six weeks for the area to fully recover and for you to see the full results of the procedure. From the day of surgery, you can expect to see an ongoing improvement to the eye contour as it heals and settles.


How Long Do the Results Last?

Blepharoplasty is a permanent treatment. The tissue removed during an eyelid lift will not grow back. The skin naturally becomes thinner and looser as we age. Often, this is why people undergo eyelid lift surgery in the first place, because they notice sagging, wrinkled and creased skin on the eyelids as they age. As you get older after eyelid surgery, you might notice that the skin in this area very gradually becomes a little creased since this is a normal part of aging.


However, since fat and muscle were removed from the area along with skin during the blepharoplasty procedure, the eyelids should not become very droopy or puffy as the skin ages. All this is to say that you can expect the results of your blepharoplasty to last for many, many years.


Will I Need a Follow-Up Consultation After Surgery?

Most cosmetic procedures require at least one follow-up consultation. This gives us the opportunity to check how the tissues are healing and ensure the right results have been achieved. It’s also an opportunity for you to chat about any concerns you have and get peace of mind that you’re recovering properly.


We will schedule any necessary follow-up consultations with you at an appropriate timescale according to the unique circumstances of your surgery and health. It’s very important that you attend all follow-up consultations that we recommend. Even if it appears that you are healing well, it is important that the surgical sites are checked over by a medical professional.


How Do I Know if an Eyelid Lift Is Right for Me?

Eyelid lift surgery is a reasonably simple procedure and one of our most common treatments. If you have droopy, puffy upper eyelids which impact your vision, or which you’re simply unhappy with aesthetically, this procedure is ideal. Equally, if you have puffy and sagging undereye bags that won’t seem to improve no matter how much sleep you get or how many topical products you apply, this treatment is probably a good one for you.


When you visit us for an initial consultation, we’ll examine your facial structures to determine if an eyelid lift is right for you. If you like, you could bring some pictures into this appointment with you to show us what kind of results you’re hoping to achieve. We’ll also perform a full physical exam of your overall health and check over your medical history to ensure it is safe to peform the procedure. Although it’s unlikely, if do we find that you’re not the right candidate for an eyelid lift then we will recommend alternative treatments to address your cosmetic concerns. Our goal is always to get you the best possible results in the safest and most effective way.


Transform Your Eyes with an Eyelid Lift

With surgery taking as little as an hour, and final results visible within just six weeks, an eyelid lift is a rapid and effective method of transforming the eyes. If you’re interested in this procedure be sure to contact us at Sule Plastic Surgery Clinic in Dallas, TX, to schedule your consultation. The first step to brighter, more youthful eyes is just a call away.

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