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Are You a Candidate for Ultherapy?

If you want all the tightening benefits of a facelift without all that is involved with the surgery, not to mention the downtime, there is a treatment for you. This treatment is known as the knife-less-facelift and will give you many of the benefits of a facelift without the pain or recovery. At Sule Facial Plastic Surgery Clinic in Dallas, TX, we offer this treatment, known as ultherapy. It’s not a myth: it’s real and effective and will help you put your best face forward.

Who Is a Candidate for Ultherapy?

You may have heard about this treatment, and while we can assure you that it is real and it does give you results, you may be wondering whether or not you are a candidate. If the aging process has begun to leave its mark on your face, and wrinkle creams and serums just aren’t doing the trick anymore, you may be a candidate for this treatment.
If you want to improve your appearance but don’t want to undergo a surgical procedure, this may be just what you need.


Men and Women Who Want to Improve Their Appearance

A late night, a stressful work week, whatever it may be: it all affects your skin, and as you get older, those things begin to leave their marks on your face, and no amount of sleep or de-stressing can erase them. If you want to improve your appearance, tighten your skin, and reduce the appearance of the fine lines and wrinkles that have formed as a result of the aging process, you are most likely a candidate for this treatment.

The benefit of ultherapy is that it helps both men and women reach their goal aesthetic goals. This treatment isn’t just for women. Many men have regained their confidence in their appearance as a result of this treatment. They have gotten natural, subtle, yet noticeable results, but also, more importantly, the improvement made in their overall appearance has given them renewed confidence at home and work.

The Individual Who Doesn’t Want to Undergo a Facelift

You may have had friends or family members who have undergone a facelift. While you may agree that their results are impressive, you are also aware of all that’s involved in such a procedure, from the surgery to the recovery time, and as a result, you’re just not ready to commit to that. That’s perfectly ok, but that doesn’t mean that you have to live with the signs of aging.

If you don’t want to commit to a facelift but want to treat the signs of aging, you are most likely a candidate for ultherapy. Whether you are not ready to commit to a facelift emotionally, physically, or financially, ultherapy will help you reach your goals without requiring that you undergo any type of surgical, invasive measures, and will not require that you experience any downtime.

The Average Person

You may have heard about this treatment or read about it in magazines. If the patient in the interview was a celebrity or someone famous, you may feel as though this treatment isn’t right for you. However, this treatment was designed for the average person. While celebrities do love it for its powerful ability to attack the signs of aging, you don’t have to be a celebrity or a famous person to qualify for this treatment.

This treatment was designed for the average man or woman who wants to treat the signs of aging on their face but doesn’t want to go through surgery to get there. However, we can assure you that following your treatment, your results will be anything but average.

The 30-Something

Most people begin to notice the signs of aging in their 30’s. If this describes you, and you are in your 30’s and want to treat the signs of premature aging on your skin, you were most likely a candidate for this treatment. This treatment will help you look and feel more like yourself, especially since you’ll be attacking early signs of aging before the aging process progresses.

The Perfectionist

Maybe you have great skin. Maybe your fine lines are minimal and your wrinkles are few. If this describes you and you simply want to stay ahead of the game and get a leg up on the aging process, you may qualify for this treatment. Once you experience a session, the perfectionist in you will be thrilled to know that you may have found what is quite possibly may be the closest thing to the fountain of youth.

The Mature Adult

If you have mature skin that shows the signs of aging through moderate to severe sagging and drooping skin, as well as lines and wrinkles, this treatment will help your skin feel more youthful and more refreshed than ever. You may have thought that a facelift was is the only way to truly lift your skin, and while this treatment does not replicate a facelift, it is the closest, non-invasive alternative on the beauty market.

What Exactly Is Ultherapy?

This treatment involves the use of an FDA-approved device that helps achieve the lifting results similar to a facelift minus the incisions, pain, and recovery time. While your results will not be as drastic as a facelift, your face will get tighter and more lifted once you experience this treatment. It uses ultrasound technology and digital imaging to produce a thermal effect in the deepest layers of the skin to force the body to increase collagen production.

How Does It Work?

The device utilized during this treatment uses the thermal energy within the ultrasound device to stimulate the deep layers of the skin. The body reacts to this process by creating new collagen in the areas treated. It addresses the layers of the skin that are typically dealt with during a facelift, but it does not damage the surface of the skin in any way during the process.

This treatment relies heavily upon the ultrasound device which creates the thermal effect beneath the skin and the body responds by increasing collagen production. As the ultrasound bypasses the surface of the skin, it focuses on the deeper layers and lifts them. It involves no invasive measures, no downtime, no harsh chemicals, no toxins, just your body, and the natural reaction that occurs when collagen production is stimulated.

Is It Only for the Face?

While the face is one of the most common areas of treatment, ultherapy also lifts and improves the appearance of the skin on the chin, the brows, and the neck. It also improves the appearance of fine lines and wrinkles on the upper part of the chest that is most noticeable when you wear lower cut dresses and shirts.

What Happens During a Treatment?

During treatment, ultrasound gel is applied topically to the area undergoing treatment, and then the device is placed on that area. Your technician will be able to view the area through digital imaging on a screen that reveals the deep layers of your skin. This allows for precision during treatment. It is also what makes this treatment fully customizable so that the technician can view the areas in need of treatment and zone in on those specific areas during the session.

The Power of Collagen

While many companies offer topical collagen in the form of serums and creams, the only truly proven method of reducing the signs of aging with collagen is by stimulating the body’s ability to induce collagen. As the aging process occurs, collagen production decreases every year that goes by and the body begins to need help to keep producing that collagen, and that’s just what this treatment can do.

Collagen production takes time, but once it begins and the results begin to show up in your treatment area, you will not miss them. You will see your face lift and tighten and you feel more youthful than you have in years.

How Long Does a Session Take?

The total length of this treatment is far shorter than any facelift. Treatments take anywhere from 30 to 60 minutes and then once complete, you are free to leave and resume your day as normal. This treatment is accessible and can easily be scheduled at a time that is most convenient for you. You won’t have to plan your day or week around the treatment or any downtime.

What Does It Feel Like?

Most people do not report any discomfort from this treatment. You may feel a warming effect on your skin but you can relax during the process, pain-free, and know that the best is yet to come. Once you complete your treatment all you have to do is patiently await your results, and once they arrive you will realize that they were well worth the wait.

When Will I See Results?

The benefit of this treatment is that results appear gradually. You may notice an initial collagen boost in the first few days following treatment, but your full results will appear within six months of treatment. Most patients begin to notice results after two to three months and continue to see those results improve up to six months post-treatment. Every day that passes after your treatment is one day closer to seeing the results of your skin transformation.

You won’t walk out looking drastically different which, if you don’t want anyone to know about your treatment, is a good thing. You will get to enjoy your results as they appear in the months following treatment and no one will know that you underwent an anti-aging treatment. They will just notice that you look more youthful and your skin appears lifted but in a natural way. You will still look completely like yourself, just younger and more rested.

Your Initial Consultation Matters

If you still aren’t sure whether or not you are a candidate for this treatment, the best thing to do is to schedule an initial consultation here at our office. Our experts will sit down with you and discuss your health history, your skin concerns, and your ultimate aesthetic goals. We will determine whether this treatment is right for you and if it will help you reach all of your goals.

Schedule Your Initial Consultation Today

The road to firmer, lifted, more youthful skin is only an appointment away. Once you begin this process and start to see your results, you will wonder why you waited so long to try this skin-transforming treatment. Contact us today at Sule Facial Plastic Surgery Clinic in Dallas, TX, and schedule your initial ultherapy consultation.

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